The Value of Pronouns – Clearing the Way

TLDR: I add (He/Him) to my LinkedIn Name, not because I think someone will use the wrong pronouns, but as a small act of normalizing pronouns and their impact to individuals in a work place. This act of sharing our privilege is a small way to increase workplace safety.

Pronouns are Identity, and Identity is Privilege

Before I get to Pronouns, we need to talk about privilege. Privilege is when you think something isn’t a problem, because it isn’t a problem to you personally. I work and communicate with many people from many walks of life every day. They have different lived experiences and many have had bigger barriers to get to where they are than I did.

It is critical to identify that privilege spans many parts of us, from gender, orientation, race, accessibility, etcetera. My privilege is neither a point of pride or shame as prioritizing my pride would allow me to ignore the barriers, and shame does not motivate us to improve. I try to stay grounded in reality that I may be in the same place of privilege as others, but we didn’t pay the same entrance fees.

Small acts of Recognition

If you see me on Linkedin, notice that I have my pronouns right next to my name. I’ve had multiple co-workers ask me why I put my pronouns on my name, after all isn’t it obvious that I am a (He/Him)? And I think that that statement is WHY I put my pronouns on my name.

My pronouns are obvious, because they match my perception and the perception of others. But that is not the case for many people. I put my pronouns next to my name, not to state the obvious, but to make it easier for us to remember that pronouns are here, and they are important.

Safety in the Workspace

Here are some quick knowledge points for us about pronouns and actions we can take to improve the safety of the workplace environment for others.

  • Start with educating ourselves about the use of pronouns.
  • Try not to make assumptions about what pronouns a person uses.
  • If you’re unsure of someone’s pronouns, ask.
  • When you misgender someone, correct yourself immediately and move on.