The 5 People You Meet in Great Teams

I’ve learned a few things along the way. What I have found is that a great team is not made up of clones of the highest performer, but of a variety of people and personalities. Great teams support each other, challenge each other, play off of their individual Strengths and weaknesses. Below is a short list of key personalities that provide the framework and foundation for top tier teams. Seek them out, build them up, and remember…

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” 

― Phil Jackson
  1. The Mechanic
    • A colleague who always keeps looking for solutions and improvements
    • Understands the problems with the toxic business phrase: “That is the way it has always been done”
  2. The Skeptic
    • A colleague who is often mistaken as nothing more than a complainer
    • Patience with them will win the day and illuminate areas of improvement – They bring Balance to the Force…
  3. The Empath
    • A colleague who recognizes fellows in need and has a high EQ
    • This is someone who listens to others, and appreciates the customer and employee experience
  4. The Hobbyist
    • A colleague who covers industry trends out of personal inquisitiveness
    • Adds perspective and ability to extend perspective beyond the existing business
  5. The Leader
    • A colleague who rallies and unifies their colleagues, raising morale
    • Don’t limit your ; this is any employee that others naturally listen to.

Please share your thoughts on these traits, or any others you have seen that have made your teams amazing in the comments.